November 2016 RAWNY General Meeting: “Limited Space Antennas”

The Radio Association of Western New York’s next general meeting will be on
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
“Limited Space Antennas”
From: 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
The Church of the Nativity
1530 Colvin Blvd, Kenmore, NY

Whether you live in an apartment, a home with a very small lot size, or a deed restricted community, it’s still possible to put up an antenna that will function well and bring you loads of contacts. The next RAWNY meeting, on November 8, 2016, will be all about Limited Space antennas, or portable antennas that can be erected quickly and easily. We’ll cover everything from small gauge wire antennas to vertical and loop antennas that are hidden from view. We’ll discuss installing antennas in an attic or around the ceiling. We’ll even talk about tuning up a gutter or a flag pole in order to get on the air. We’ll also show you some terrific portable antenna options that can put you on the air with relative ease.

Likewise, if you’ve had success with installing an antenna into a small space, or have a great portable antenna you’d like to talk about,  please bring your designs to the meeting to share with the club.

attic 40m-loop g5rv-jr

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