Since its beginnings in 1917, The Radio Association of Western New York has been dedicated to the promotion of Amateur Radio not only as a hobby, but a very necessary method of communication. RAWNY’s Board of Directors are very active in providing the club with programs, special events, education, and assistance in order to ensure that it continues its success for another 100 years.
2024-2025 Board of Directors
Mike (KA2GVY), President; Dan (KC2RBP), Vice President;
Ken (KD2KEH), Secretary; Jim (KA2IWK), Treasurer
Donald (KD2FIL), Dan (KC2IUJ), Eric (K2WGF),
Angela (N3ARB), Matt (K2EAG), Dennis (N2DJS)
(Contact info for RAWNY’s Board is on
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Finally, an Amateur Radio club does not succeed for 100 years without a strong and dedicated Board of Directors. Below is a photograph of RAWNY’s Board from the early 1980s. Sadly, several of these fine gentlemen have become silent keys. We feel it necessary to pay tribute to the friends who contributed to our success and made the current Board’s job a little easier.

Facing camera: Jack Saks (KA2JWQ), James Welsh (W2OZR), Carmen Queeno (WB2OWS),
Gene Collins (KA2IWJ): President
Back to camera: Bert Jones (W2CUU): Vice-President, Ed Huntly (KA2KFC), Felix Mayer (KA2OJU),
Dr. Bruce Small (KM2L)