As part of a supplement to the RAWNY Information Net, (which can be heard each Monday evening at 7:00 pm EST (0000 UTC) on the WA2HKS repeater at 444.000, the W2EUP repeaters at 146.910, and 224.820, and the AB2UK repeater at 29.680 in the Western New York area) any specifically mentioned videos, website links, documents, or other items discussed on the net will be featured here.
The following items were discussed on the RAWNY Information Net for the month of February, 2017.
The Voice of America celebrated 75 years on February 1st. Two months after the start of World War 2 for the United States, VOA began a 15 minute transmission into Germany from a studio in New York City by playing “The Battle Hymn of the Republic. After that, announcer William Harlan Hale said, “We bring you Voices from America. Today, and daily from now on, we shall speak to you about America and the war. The news may be good or bad.We shall tell you the truth.” Below is a short excerpt of that first broadcast.
The following link is to a “Google Book” entitled “Broadcasting on the Short Waves; 1945 to Today” by Jerome S. Berg. The book is an indepth history of commercial shortwave broadcasting stations in addition to some “clandestine” stations that you may have heard while tuning around the bands. The link will open in a new tab and will take you directly to Google Books where you may view the book in an embedded frame. The ebook may be purchased for $9.99.