Look for the team from RAWNY on the air from the Buffalo Naval & Military Park for the upcoming Museum Ships Weekend special event sponsored by the Battleship New Jersey Amateur Radio Station. This year’s event will take place the weekend of June 1-2, 2019 beginning at 0000z UTC. Once again, RAWNY will have all three historic naval vessels at the museum on the air for the event. Look for W2PE on USS Little Rock, N2HTL on USS The Sullivans, and KD2KEH on USS Croaker. If you’re able to work all three ships, you’ll receive a special certificate.
For 2019, we plan on having W2PE on the air throughout the entire weekend; as close to 24 hours as possible. If you want to work a specific ship, contact us and we can try to arrange a sched. Drop an email to N2HTL at “oldhamradio at gmail dot com.”
For more information about the event, please visit www.nj2bb.org/museum/index.html.